1973 corvette full chrome molly chassis certified 6.0 Et 4 link wish bone with anti roll device Koni double adjustible shocks with hyper coil springs Strange front adjustible struts Strange 4 piston billet rear brakes Strange single piston billet front brakes Hairy glass one piece front end Hairy glass pro nos scoop 90″ chrome mooly wheelie bars 2 Stroud pro mod parachutes with cannon launchers Kirky aluminum sea Biondo mega 450 delay box MSD digital 7 programmable ignition PPP air shifter Moroso trans cooler Moroso overflow can AND MUCH MORE!!!BEST OF EVERYTHING!! Rear end: Mark Willams bolt thru third member with 430 pro gear Strange 40 spline axles Cant list all too much to list this car has only 4 shack down passes Here a change to own a t/s car for a fraction of the price this car is is like a show car
Price: Auction
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Location: Byram, Mississippi, United States